Monthly Food Distribution Ministry
The monthly food distribution is a Mercy Ministry at Emmanuel. Anyone in the community who is in need is invited to stop by the church between 2-5pm on the 3rd Friday of the month. Pull into the church parking lot by the gazebo, and we’ll load a box of groceries into your car for you. We are at 8006 Centreville Rd., Manassas, Virginia, on the corner of Centreville Rd. & Spruce.
If you would like to help with this ministry, we pack boxes at 10am on the 3rd Friday of the month. You can also bring donations by the church anytime that the doors are open.
Items that we need include:
chicken noodle soup
canned corn
canned fruit
peanut butter
spaghetti sauce
spaghetti noodles
mac & cheese
School Supplies for Students in Need
In July and August, we delivered school supplies to two local schools – Jennie Dean Elementary and Westgate Elementary. These supplies will help both schools to support the learning and development of those who are in need within their student bodies. We were privileged to provide 24 fully packed backpacks to Jennie Dean as well as a number of boxes of supplies to Westgate.
Care Bags for Chemo Patients
In December, we also brought Care Bags for chemo patients to the infusion center at UVA Prince William Medical Center. Each bag was filled with a variety of items ranging from puzzle books and lip balm to cozy socks and a hand-written note. We provided forty carefully packed bags to the hospital, and we pray that through them, we are able to be a blessing and comfort to those who are hurting and going through a challenging time.

Meeting the Needs of Day Laborers
Each month, our volunteers minister to a local group of day laborers. We fill grocery bags with food and other needed items, and we deliver the bags early in the morning before the men get picked up for work. It’s a blessing to serve in this way, especially during the hard winter months when work is in short supply and the need is great.

Mercy Ministry: More Opportunities
Throughout the year, we work on a variety of ministry projects to reach out to and help our community. Please listen for the Sunday announcements and/or contact the church office to find out how you can help and be a part of these ministries. Every Christmas we put together Christmas baskets filled with homemade treats to deliver to those who can’t leave their homes. We also pack blessing bags filled with basic necessities that we hand out to the homeless and disadvantaged on an ongoing basis.