“To be, or not to be, that is the question:”
~William Shakespeare, Hamlet
“To be, or not to be, that is the question:”
~William Shakespeare, Hamlet
The question means: Is it best (better) to live or is it best (better) to die?
In Jesus Christ, it is better to live – that is the answer.
When we receive Jesus Christ, we live. Otherwise, we are already dead, according to the Fall and the curse (Genesis 3).
Shakespeare’s quote could have been more clearly stated: to accept Christ or not to accept Christ, that is the question. This, after all, is the only true question pertaining to life.
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6, ESV)
Ruthann Barton
I really like “Shakespeare’s quote could have been more clearly stated: to accept Christ or not to accept Christ, that is the question. This, after all, is the only true question pertaining to life.”
When given the choice between life and death, most people would choose life. When given the choice between Christ and death, though, the “most” isn’t as clear. In general, people don’t seem to understand what you pointed out – that a choice between accepting Christ and not accepting Christ IS a choice between life and death.
Kluber Ronald
Amen! Our time on this planet is short! Eternal life that is ONLY through our Savior!
To live is Christ, to die is gain. The believer goes from life to life. There is truly only one way to gain life.
Karen Spurling
For Shakespeare to say what he did, it seems to me he didn’t have Jesus on his mind at all. If that’s what he meant , he should have been clearer.
Say what you mean and mean why you say!
mano mathai
Couple of weeks ago the Dutch Ex-Prime Minister decided “not to be”. Man has body and soul. He may have chosen the timing of his body to go back to dust and “not to be”. Was his soul ready to meet the maker?
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